Sunday, December 13, 2009

F U Joe Lieberman

Dear Joe,

You are an unprincipled shill for the insurance industry that pays your wife's salary. How much money will you make from dicking over health care reform? Thanks for putting the interests of your bank account so blatantly ahead of those of the citizens of this country.

You've made it pretty clear on the record that the only criteria for determining what is a good or a bad idea in health care reform is whether it will result in your insurance company friends increasing their profits.

Mandating that 30 million citizens have to buy insurance from private companies? You think that's swell.

Doing anything about the cost of health insurance? Well that just won't do, for an ever-changing set of reasons, none of which make any sense.

Your lack of moral fiber makes me want to puke. Just quit the senate and go pick up the insurance industry job that is waiting for you, and take Evan Bayh with you. Actual representatives of American citezens have real work to do.

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