Friday, January 9, 2009

Childish, but come on now.

I saw this a few days ago and just had to comment.  In Tuesday's NYTimes about halfway down the article "Obama Seeks Wide Support in Congress for Stimulus" is this paragraph:

The House Republican leader, Representative John A. Boehner of Ohio, said he was concerned about the overall size of the stimulus package. He said the American public was rightly agitated by the lack of accountability in the bailout bills that were abruptly approved last fall.

I know you don't pronounce his name like that, but WHY OH WHY couldn't the headline have been:

"Boehner Concerned about Size of Package"



mattS said...


holyshizayo said...

i think you should try and see if you can get a job as a titler or whoever is the person who does the headlines instead of this film/television/media shenanigans. Imagine the power! (you've got the power....)