Thursday, September 27, 2007

Working late

I'd ideally be on my way to class right now, but for some reason tonight EVERYONE in my office is still here. Which is cool, I'm just hanging out and drinking from the keg (yes, the office keg of delicious Stella Artois). But the thing is I really don't have anything to do so I'm just sort

The free beer takes the sting out of working late on a Thursday, and there may well be some free food too - but it is also nice when I just get to go home. I try to find productive things to do but at a certain point it just devolves into surfing the web.

I did get to do something new today though - I was sent to the visual fx house on Newbury Street that was revising a spot to "approve" a set of new versions of this spot. It was cool because I got to meet the producer there who I had only talked to over the phone and emailed with so far, and that it was a 'producerly duty' which was nice that I was entrusted with it. Joyce, who sent me to do this, is definitely my favorite here because she really gives me things to do that make me feel like she is relying on me and I feel useful in a bigger way than just as an office monkey. Of course, Joyce also gets a sweet bonus if I stay for 6 months, so maybe that has something to do with it...heh. Either way, I appreciate it.

However if I did have a more long term project that I could at least work on when I am stuck here late, it would be good. I think something like that will come along in the next couple months, so that'll be cool. In the meantime I am just hanging out and bonding with the coworkers where I can.

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